Aviation industry takes proactive steps to ensure supply chain safety
The Aviation Supply Chain Integrity Coalition (ASIC) is ensuring aviation safety by tackling unapproved parts through proactive recommendations and collaboration within industry
In early 2024, the aviation industry launched the Aviation Supply Chain Integrity Coalition (ASIC) in response to revelations that a London-based aviation broker had sold thousands of aircraft engine parts using falsified documents. The Coalition was formed by industry leaders to address the threat posed by unapproved propulsion parts entering the supply chain and to enhance the overall integrity and safety of aviation operations This is an initiative supported by ASD, with several of our members directly involved in the coalition. The coalition consists of senior representatives from major aerospace companies, including Airbus, American Airlines, Boeing, Delta Air Lines, GE Aerospace, Safran, StandardAero, and United Airlines. Together, they are dedicated to ensuring the integrity and safety of the supply chain.
The presence of unapproved parts poses a risk to safety, as these components may be of inferior quality, exceed their approved lifespan, lack proper documentation, or be stolen. The Coalition's founding reflects the industry's proactive stance on tackling this issue head-on, with a clear focus on preventing such parts from compromising the supply chain.
Co-chaired by Robert Sumwalt, former chairman of the US National Transportation Safety Board, and John Porcari, former US Transportation Deputy Secretary, the Coalition has committed to implementing a comprehensive set of recommendations designed to strengthen the supply chain.
The ASIC has developed 13 recommendations, organised into three categories: vendor accreditation, document traceability and verification, and non-serialised parts traceability. These recommendations are performance-based and technology-agnostic, offering companies flexibility in their application. They are intended for implementation in the short term (12-24 months), medium term (within the next five years), and long term (beyond five years).
Key recommendations include:
Promoting the use of suppliers that meet European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) standards.
Establishing an industry oversight body for accreditation organisations.
Expanding the use of digital documents and authentication tools.
Developing a software database to verify key document fields.
Strengthening training programmes for personnel involved in parts procurement and inspection.
The ASIC's recommendations signify the industry's ongoing commitment to process improvement, ensuring that safety remains the top priority. By implementing these measures, the aviation industry aims to prevent incidents related to unapproved parts and to continue fostering the trust and confidence of the flying public.
The Coalition’s proactive approach underscores a dedication to continuous improvement in safety practices, reinforcing the aviation sector’s unwavering commitment to protecting passengers and maintaining the highest standards of operational integrity.
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