Europe launches plan to transform air traffic management

The SESAR Joint Undertaking has unveiled the European Air Traffic Management Master Plan 2025. This roadmap, developed with input from the EU and the aviation industry, sets out a vision for transforming air traffic management (ATM). The aim is to create a more efficient, sustainable, and resilient air transport system for Europe by 2045.

Air traffic management plays a critical role in Europe’s economy, supporting millions of jobs and connecting people and businesses across the continent. However, the system faces increasing challenges, including fluctuating air traffic, staff shortages, and climate-related challenges. To address these issues, the Master Plan proposes a comprehensive strategy, backed by close collaboration between public and private stakeholders.

Highlights of the ATM Master Plan 2025

Focus on sustainability and digitalisation

The roadmap prioritises two key transitions: reducing aviation emissions and enhancing ATM through digital innovation. A data-driven, cloud-based service-delivery model will enable faster deployment of features and better interoperability across stakeholders.

Investment and development priorities

The plan outlines ten investment priorities and twelve development activities. These include accommodating new users like drones, integrating higher airspace operations, and introducing advanced automation. By 2040, these measures are expected to generate €7 for every euro invested, and save 200 million tonnes of CO2 emissions.

Collaborative approach

The plan emphasises the need for harmonisation and interoperability across Europe. This requires input from airports, airlines, air navigation service providers, and military and civil aviation stakeholders.

Economic and environmental impact

By 2050, the Master Plan could deliver significant benefits, including €17 returned for every euro invested and up to 400 million tonnes of CO2 saved. These savings are equivalent to nearly three years of Europe’s total aviation emissions.

Supporting industry’s transformation

The plan also strengthens industry collaboration. Andreas Boschen, Executive Director of SESAR Joint Undertaking, stated, “This roadmap is a game-changer. It prioritises deployment objectives and outlines development priorities for achieving the Digital European Sky. To succeed, we need support for early movers and the involvement of the entire ATM workforce.” Apostolos Tzitzikostas, European Commissioner for Sustainable Transport and Tourism, echoed this sentiment: “This Master Plan is a forward-looking response to aviation’s challenges. It positions Europe to lead in sustainability and innovation.”

About the SESAR Joint Undertaking

The SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking brings together the EU, Eurocontrol, and over 50 organisations from the aviation sector. It collaborates closely with regulatory bodies, industry stakeholders, and research institutions to drive progress. Many of ASD’s member companies and associations are key stakeholders in the SESAR initiative.

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